
technical seo best practices

Technical SEO best practices

The Ultimate Guide to Technical SEO

When you think about Technical SEO best practices, you naturally think about Meta Tags and Fixing a couple of things on your webpage. Technical SEO is actually making your Website page readable for Google. But because your page has to be readable to humans, and enjoyable, Technical SEO has become the art of interweaving your message and structured data in such a way that you make the most of both worlds.

Technical seo is no longer just a checklist of issues to be fixed, but it has involved into something more. Carefully integrating hundreds of keywords into the right mix, has become a task for artificial Intelligence.

The use of artificial intelligence in Technical on page seo has created a new world of creating content on your website.

In this Guide I will be sharing the 14 Basic Technical SEO Items

The 15 Basic Technical SEO Items checklist

In the basic technical SEO checklist you will find everything that is obvious for a SEO Specialist to have in place

basic technical seo checklist

Basic Technical SEO is to ensure that your Webpage is Optimized to be make it as easy as possible for Search Engines to find the correct data on your website and includes the following 15 aspects:

  • Meta Tags

  • URL Structure

  • Page Speed

  • XML Sitemap

  • Robots.txt file

  • HTML, JavaScript and CSS

  • Structured Data

  • Mobile Friendly

  • Content

  • Core Web Vitals

  • Internal Linking

  • Optimizing 404 Pages and redirects

  • Alt Tags

  • Schema markup

  • Breadcrumbs

Meta Tags

The Title Meta Tag is most probably the most important instruction on your website, because it displays to Google what your page is about. Google does not specify the length of the title tag, but a good indication is that it should not be less than 30 characters and preferable be in the range of 50 to 70 characters.

The Description Meta Tag is a way of telling everybody, including the Search Engines, what your website is about.

No Index

Creating a Consistent URL Structure

It is essential that URLs follow consistent logically structures. It really helps the user know where they have are on the site. Platforms like WordPress are doing a great job of this.

The placement of your pages in various categories gives Google extra context regarding the pages in the categories you have listed above.

Ensure your Website Page Speed is good

In the beginning of the Internet, it was relative easy to build web pages. There was not very much information and people were used to slow internet connections. Nowadays there is an overload of information and people, as well as search engines, are looking for speed. If your website is not optimized for speed, visitors will simply click away, and this is bad for Search Engines.

JavaScript and CSS make it easier to develop websites and web applications, but it comes with a price. The price is slow websites. There are may ways to Speed Optimization, which is beyond the scope of this article.

When web content becomes richer and dynamic, page speeds become increasingly crucial for user experiences and a factor in ranking in search engines. Most often, the bigger the JavaScript that’s present at the site, the harder that the site can load.

Many Technical SEO Programs which offers a SEO Audit, will automatically check the Web Site and Mobile Speed Optimization. These tools then also offers solutions to these issues, and instructions on how to fix them.

XML Sitemap

a XML Sitemap is a page with a xml structure that lists all the pages on your website in an orderly fashion. This pages is essential to the SEO success of your page, and is required by Google.

xml sitemap

When Google finds this page, they are able to find all the pages on your website and then index them in the Search Engine.

Once you have created a XML Sitemap, you should submit it to The Google Search Console.

If you have a registered Google Search Console Account, Google will give you a report on your indexed page, and the reason for pages which is not indexed. Simply put, if your page is not indexed, it will not rank or show up on Google.

Robots.txt file

Robots are crawling the Internet all the time and some or other time they come across your website, and will look for a robots.txt file to look for instructions on how to crawl your site. You can enable or disable certain web robot crawls in your website, including specific pages.

It is possible for robots to ignore these instructions, but in most cases they won’t.

You can also stop bots from indexing your website with ‘no index’ meta tags. These Meta Tags is an indication to Search Engines that you don’t want them to index these files.

There are also robots and spiders crawling your website with harmful intent. These scripts are designed to steal your website data. These scripts can not be stopped by a robots.txt file but there are other ways to handle them.

JavaScript and CSS

JavaScript and CSS is intended to make it easy for programmers to use libraries of code to make the website better looking and easy to navigate with a lot of bells and whistles. While this is great for designing, it normally comes wit a lot of backend script, that simply slow down your entire Website.

When Google looks at this, their algorithm will penalize your website and rank it lower. Having your website pages optimized for speed is essential. There are many tools and plugins that can assist you with this.

Mobile Speed Optimize your site if you want better rankings. This is the latest as so many people are using mobile devices to access the Internet.

When analyzing your website with the Business Direct Media SEO Tool, you can find out exactly what your website and mobile site speed is, and get instructions on how to fix this.

Structured Data

Having the content of your website structured in a specific way, makes it easier for your visitors to find what they are looking for and it also helps Google to find out how your site is structured and how they should interpret it.

Structured Data also help you to make more sense of your own information, and gives you opportunities to create information in an orderly fashion.

Structured Data also help you to get rid of duplicate content and help to improve your Page SEO.

A good Site Audit will help you identify issues within your structured data.

In short, you have to ensure that your page is broken up in <H1>, <H2> and <H3> tags with paragraphs in between. This helps to identify important headline and structure point below the headline in an orderly fashion.

Ensuring that your main keyword that you want to rank for appear in these Headings, will improve your SEO and tell Google what your page is about. This also helps to create a better user experience.

Mobile Friendly

Having your Website Mobile friendly is an important factor for your page seo.

Ensure that your website is responsive. Most people are using Mobile Devices and Tablets, and if your page is not responsive, meaning that it shrinks to fit these devices, people won’t be able to properly view your data.

mobile friendly seo

Google is also getting more aggressive in their approach when it comes to mobile speed and readability. And it is obvious, that when visitors can’t properly read your website, they have a bad experience, and this reflects bad on Google who sent them there in the first place.

For a site to be mobile friendly, it also has to meet the speed requirements of the search engines, which you can determine by doing a seo audit.

In most of the SEO Audits that I do on a daily basis, mobile speed is a major issue in most of them. A site audit can help you identify the issues quickly.


Content is playing a more important role in Search Engine Optimization than ever before. Web Pages need to have enough content and that is why you will see blog posts are becoming longer. SEO Specialists know that a blog post with a certain number of words will rank higher.

You can determine these word counts by using a program like Surfer SEO which will give you an indication based on the artificial intelligence count of the competitor pages.

Another major important issue in technical seo is having duplicate content. Duplicate content is very easy to detect, and when it is detected on your website, your website can be negatively influenced.

Your web pages should have authoritive, and fresh information, if you want it to rank well.

A web page who have too little content on, will not rank that well, unless it is very unique information. Content Count can also be detected in a site audit and the Business Direct Media SEO Tool, will show you exactly what is the optimum word count for your business web pages.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals was introduced by Google and is a way of creating a better experience for the visitor by means of user usability.

The three Core Web Vitals is performance, responsiveness, and visual stability.

Core Web Vitals can be measured by using Google Search Console and is also Integrated in the Business Direct Media SEO Tool. Do a SEO site audit to determine how your website is doing on this.

If you ask yourself, why is technical seo important, then this is one of the main reasons. If you want to show up in the top search results, you should pay attention to technical seo matters like the core web vitals.

Internal Linking

The majority of visitors have no trouble with finding your obvious first line of pages. But when it comes to websites that have acquired lots of information, it becomes essential to drive both visitors and robots to those deep lying pages. You can accomplish this by internal linking. This is simply a way to tell everybody where to find more relevant information

website links

Internal linking also helps with the indexing of your website pages and contributes to your overall technical seo effort. A site Audit will also point out to you what the Internal and External linking structure is and how you should adjust it for optimum results.

Internal Links helps with building your site structure, makes it easier to navigate and help search engines find relevant information

Optimizing 404 Pages and redirects

A 404 page occurs when you follow a web page link that no longer exists. 404 Pages can damage the reputation of your website, and it can also damage your technical seo. A site Audit will identify the 404 pages and redirects on you website, and will make it easier to make corrections, and fix those pages.

Internal links are sometimes a major contributing factor to the creation of 404 pages on your website, when a page is removed. One removed page can cause a lot of broken links or 404 errors, and knowing where to find them is essential.

Identifying and fixing 404 pages is one of the essential best practices of Search Engine Optimization.

Removing a page or changing a page name can also create broken links from external sources. These are a bit more difficult to fix, unless, you make an effort to change the incoming link, or to create an additional page to catch that link.

Fixing 404 Errors helps search engines in better indexing and ranking , and it helps robots to crawl and index your website. It also help robots to better understand your website. The more of these errors that you fix, the better your organic search results will be.

Alt Tags

When placing images on your website, you have to have a way to identify and name those images in such a way that machines can read and understand them. This is a technical seo factor which is important if you want to rank higher in the search results.

The Business Direct Media SEO Tool will help you also see, not only where your web page ranks, but it will also help you see where your images rank.

By placing meaningful alt tags to your website images, you are adding a technical seo factor which will help you rank for images.

When your Images rank high, it brings more visitors to your website, but it must be relevant to the content of the page, otherwise they will leave quickly, your clickthrough rates will drop, and Google will mark you page as not relevant.

These are one of the on-page elements that can elevate your blog post and every page should have good images with meaningful alt tags.

Schema markup

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is the language search engines use to read and understand the content on your pages. By language, we mean a semantic vocabulary (code) that helps search engines characterize and categorize the content of web pages.

schema markup seo

Schema markup, found at, is a form of microdata. Once added to a webpage, schema markup creates an enhanced description (commonly known as a rich snippet), which appears in search results.

Snippets are very powerful ranking methods, as they are normally placed at the top of web pages and is extremely important to drive traffic from organic search.

How to implement Schema Markup to your website

  1. Go to Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper.

  2. Select the Type of Data. There are several options listed.

  3. Paste the URL You Want to Markup.

  4. Select the Elements to Mark Up.

  5. Continue Adding Markup Items.

  6. Create the HTML.

  7. Add Schema Markup to Your Site.

  8. Test Your Schema.


Breadcrumbs are SEO-friendly. This is because breadcrumbs automatically insert a link to a category or sub page on your website. This will help with structuring a website architecture. Google is now using URLs for breadcrumbs in the SERPs.

Breadcrumbs also makes it easy for your visitors to find things on your website, it is good for technical SEO and structured data, and improves your site structure.

Technical SEO Frequently asked Questions

Technical SEO Frequently Asked Questions

How is technical SEO different from on-page SEO and off-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to factors that you can put on your website page that will increase the probability of you ranking higher, while off-page SEO is the influence of factors from outside your website, and these normally refers to links that is pointing to your website.

On Page SEO is basically whet Technical seo includes.

What is technical SEO?

Technical search engine optimization or SEO is an action aimed at building a website for search engines. Most businesses utilize SEO to increase their ranking on search engines (SERPs).

Technical SEO could also be looked as a set of basic rules that needs to be implemented while creating content for your website.

Technical SEO helps with developing structured data

How can I improve my technical SEO?

Technical SEO is improving your website when you ensure that the basic rules of technical seo are followed.

One of the major influences that can help you rank better is to avoid duplicate content.

If you want to improve your website with technical seo, the first step would be to do a seo audit to check some of the on-page seo and off page seo factors.

If these errors are fixed you have a way much better chance of Search Engines crawling and indexing your website.

How can I Optimize my Website Speed?

One of the factors for your website crawling and indexing to take place is that your site should run at an optimal speed.

website speed

To determine the speed of your website, request a SEO Audit and then use the Business Direct Media SEO Tool to find out how to optimize your website and mobile site speed.

Page speed and especially mobile page speed is an important factor of Technical seo. When you site has a slow page speed, that page on your site would most probably not rank as well as it is suppose to. Just by increasing the page speed, you can let that page go up in ranking and bring more visitors to your site.

Increasing page speed is one of the best practices in any seo strategy and will increase the pages load time.

Having a good load time on the important pages will help Google to crawl and index your pages.

Should I have a Google Search Console Account for Technical SEO?

Having a Search Console account connected to your SEO Tools is very important because it reflects the data from Google on which all other decisions are made.

It will reflect the important pages and will show you every page that is searched on. The Search Console will also help you identify important pages which are under optimized. These are normally the easiest to rank high, and to bring you more website visitors. It is therefore an important element to seo technical optimization.

Google Search Console also help you find and fix pages that needs attention.

What are the Technical SEO Fundamentals?

Most of the technical fundamentals are covered by this article above, and if you study them and apply them you will be 90% there.

technical seo

Using a good SEO Program, also helps you to identify the fundamentals which are not in line with what it should be, and will give you tips on how to identify and solve them.

Is a SSL Certificate Essential for Technical SEO?

A SSL Certificate is important to every website as it helps to keep your website safe from all sorts of problems.

It is therefore a part of technical seo in the sense that it influences the overall performance of your website.

What is Black Hat and White Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO refers to the methods that are followed to manipulate Google in indexing and ranking your website. These are normally very bad for your website and can eventually lead to your website rankings being compromised.

If Google see you as applying Black Hat SEO practices, they will even drop your website completely from the rankings.

Many people try to present Black Hat practices, such as buying links, and placing links to irrelevant website, as legal, but it is not and will come back to haunt you in the long term.

White Hat SEO is normally referred to as the practice of building your website structure and information on practices preferred by Google.

Every now and then, Google has an update to bring websites more in line with their strategic core values. In these updates many websites loose their rankings. These are normally websites that was mainly build on black hat strategies, or that included black hat strategies.

Can I apply Technical SEO in blogging?

Not only can you apply technical seo in your blog, but it is essential if you want to drive lots of visitors to your website. Technical SEO will help you grow your blog and create content that is important to search engines.

Make sure you also add Google Search Console to your website and SEO Tools to help your technical seo efforts to produce better results.

Following a technical seo checklist will help you identify all the factors that you should implement.

How important is a XML Sitemap?

A xml sitemap is one of the most important factors as this determines how Google indexes and rank your websites. If the pages of a site is not indexed, there is no way that they will rank.

What is a Canonical Tag?

A canonical URL is the URL of the best representative page from a group of duplicate pages, according to Google. For example, if you have two URLs for the same page (such as dress=1234 and ), Google chooses one as canonical.

How can Technical SEO help search results?

Technical SEO is what drives search results to your website as it is the method of optimize a web page to achieve top rankings on Google. A Top rank, normally drives a lot of traffic to your website. If your site is seo friendly, Google will rank it high in the search engines.

By doing a SEO Audit and finding the issues that needs fixing, you can improve your site structure through good Technical SEO. This will improve your website and tell search engines how to rank the pages.

Technical SEO through the help of Google Search Console is a very effective way to optimize a page on your site. This technical process will definitely drive your pages up the rankings by making them seo friendly.

Guidelines for SEO Content Strategy strategy

Guidelines for SEO Content Strategy

SEO Copywriting: How to Write Content For People and Optimize For Google

One big challenge for bloggers is ensuring their articles are optimized for Google and other search engines and appealing to people. When you’re aiming at developing a blog audience it must be smart. SEO copywriting is the easiest approach. SEO may sound complex, but it is much easier if you understand how to write for a specific person instead of search engines. Your website should not have any limitations beyond just writing a blog post. How can we build a website to meet these goals?

Guidelines for SEO Content Strategy

Writing useful content for people

The word is a very strong medium to connect to people via your blog post. Words inspire participation and this is why your target audience is so important. If you combine words to form valuable content, your target market will love you for it and search engines like google will help you rank higher. It’s impossible to not write amazing stuff if you are dedicated to your target audience.

There are now more websites that publish daily fresh and updated content than ever before and if you want to optimize your content to be in line with your digital marketing strategy but also appeal to your readers, you will need to learn how to become a master at writing content for seo. Do not forget that a lack of quality content is not a good strategy for your target market. It isn’t a great search SEO strategy that should be highlighted.

Besides, there are no better way to increase your organic search ranking than to write content that is amazing.

According to a recent study, a website’s content is helpful, but it needs to have three additional elements to drive organic traffic: namely: high quality content for SEO, good keywords and good link building.


The storyline is what distinguishes SEO copywriting because humans love good stories. Using brand information to tell a story will attract more attention and will be seen by more people. Brand stories are nothing new to the public. Many brands use them and use them now.

Kristen Matthews says natural storytelling is important in the creation of compelling and engaging content. I have been sharing my experience of making money using my own Ferrari. In another blog I wrote about the amount spent on clothing for $662301.44. This article was viewed nearly 2 million times on Facebook and Google+ combined. It is a good idea to have your seo content strategy figured out before you start.

Use humor

There is a reason for writing humor for readers. You may use humor to simplify difficult or controversial matters. You need content that will be a delight for the reader. They should feel a sense of excitement clicking the headlines, reading the intro and then slowly walking down the body. It’s all about expressing your point of view in a persuasive way. When it happens it is irrelevant what we create. Whatever your recommendation is they’ll go for it. google and other search engines are getting smarter by the day through the use of artificial intelligence, but your blog post and seo content are written for search engines and users.

On-page SEO Copywriting

On-page search engine optimization is not something to worry about! There are of hundreds blogs written on the topic and users can easily learn about the topic of on-page SEO. Creating a valuable website element such as external links is important.

You control almost everything that happens within a website. This is the reason that Google monitors your site, tracks your views and shares your content. The foundations for an effective Search Engine Optimization campaign lie inside you — on your site. Make sure you are targeting your long tail keywords by anchoring your internal site, meta tag, or whatever you are referring to. Blog posts can be fun to write, especially if you are passionate about your subject. Learning to integrate it with content for seo in your blog posts is a skill which is rewarded by Google.

Guidelines for SEO Content Strategy

Keyword research for content creation

Google has about 67.6% of click-throughs on its top 5 websites. 61 percent of all search traffic goes to the top three. You should learn keyword research best practices. Long-tail search engine optimization is best because many top brands don’t focus on these terms.

By using the right content to effectively target these kinds of keywords, you’ll be highly successful. Search Engine Marketing is not an exhaustive process. That is how we determine the intent of the audience in our blog posts. Search Results that are presented on a Google Search are influenced by many things. The content should be written with a target keyword in mind. This Content strategy will increase your search volume.

Understanding copywriting

Copy Writing is an art and science of creating content which encourages the user to either subscribe to a mailing list and/or try a new product or service to improve your brand appeal to the end-user.

How can I motivate my clients to take action? Copywriting is the same thing. Copywriters are professionals who write copy to advertise, promote and engage clients. Marketing professionals are often called “creative”. SEO writers tailor SEO strategy for online content.

In your content marketing strategy you need to marry the art and science of copywriting and seo content.

Keyword frequency

The frequency of the search results reflects how often the search term appears on a website. What is the number of times you can include these keyword phrases in an article? Keyword density compared with similar words.

Keyword frequencies are just as important as they were before Google began introducing frequent updates. Use the best practices in optimizing your web pages. Artificial Intelligence inspired software are used to suggest the amount of keywords on your pages, which targeted keywords to use and which anchor text to use in your content for better user experience and google content .

How to Optimize your Content for SEO?

Keep these guidelines in mind whenever you create a new blog.

Always provide users with a good quality piece of content.

As I have stated earlier the primary objective in SEO of content is to meet the user intent. The content you publish on the web must have a purpose. Users are eager to learn but they need something that is easy to read. Good copywriting content is very important for you to rank in search engines.

Why is people not reading my site?
How can I increase my subscriber count by email?
Are there people who are buying my products/services?

These are all questions that you can solve by using the right keyword research and content for search. Google and other search engines are looking for solutions to user intent. What target keyword did the user search for and will the content answer that specific question.

Write long-form content

Many research shows long forms of content perform well on social network searches and forms good content for search. Although this is true there is no reason to write ten thousand words to achieve the maximum amount you want. Quality content always matters over quantity.

Those articles which have great content attract more links to Google, and even with long posts they can rank high in searches. I prefer longform articles since they are more relevant than SEO articles. In digital marketing and social media, content guidelines for seo is important in every blog post. A good SEO content strategy includes good SEO content which can only be created with long form posts.

Using the right SEO Tools to write content for seo will help you stand out in google search results.

Use keywords in the title, heading and body of your content

In SEO it is important to use the main keyword in headlines and H1 and H2 Tags.. There is an old rule of thumb which says important information about pages is those located on the upper part of the page, which gives search engine spiders more information about your content as they crawl your site.

SEO Content in a digital marketing campaign is important because of the type of content that you publish will determine the amount of traffic that you will get from users using the search queries that you have targeted.

Keyword stuffing as they call it is placing the correct amount of keywords in a piece of content without the content being made less, but to create a type of content that makes sense. This helps google rank your post and this in return will send you traffic to your post.

search engine optimization, seo, programmer

Start with keyword research

You’re gonna have to do homework before you start thinking about how you’re going to introduce yourself, this means conducting research for keywords. How do we identify the keywords used by our users in the search field?

Google Analytics and Google Search Control plays a big part in the type of content that you will write and the keywords you will use in your seo content. A Landing Page should be seo friendly with the relevant keyword in the title, be used as a link, and the keyword should be relevant to the content.

Your target keywords should also appear at the URL title of the webpage and in headings. Long tail keywords can be used in your sections or other relevant keywords can be used in your pages. using a keyword to create content is the ideal content marketing strategy. You should map out your content and keywords when planning your post.

Group related pages together into categories

Although this doesn’t have direct connection to content SEO, it is beneficial overall. Google searches a webpage to find out which pages belong in its database, but also looks at how to index them. You should create grouping pages and make the page hierarchy visible.

In order to create a seo friendly post, you should consider the ranking factors, and groups of content is one of them. When you group landing pages in Categories it makes your site more structured and easier for users to navigate your blog post. Content Creation is a lot about planning and strategy to rank your content and get more traffic.

Satisfy the user intent and make it clear from the beginning

The user is looking for information on a specific subject. This Intent is very important to Google and if you want to rank and get more traffic you have to pay close attention.

If your user uses a keywords like “How to rank my Landing Page”, you need to make sure that the first page that he sees is about “How to rank a Landing Page. This information should be keyword targeted and the content should reflect it. One of the SEO Tips that I found that made a difference for me, was to create seo content that matches the user’s intent.

Always use text to accompany your non-text content

It’s possible to get more users for text on your site by including text on your webpage, even if your site promotes a variety of different types of content. Tell the world that you have an infographic you’d like to share on a website you have published. Make sure there’s text on the page explaining what the infographic’s purpose is. It is possible to apply similar ideas to a digital image or video.

Also make sure that your SEO content includes ALT Text to your images. This must match the keyword that your site or page are promoting and that you want to rank for on the first page. This is a ranking factor that can bring you more traffic and users. Words are important to Google. This is all that they see in your post.

Use schema markup to describe your content to search engines

Using structured data you will be able to tell search engines what your content is about. For example, using an article is very different from a Business listing. You can create many schemas depending on what kind of content you publish. This page contains Schematics, articles, videos, podcasts, product reviews and more.

Structured information has gained more importance in recent months, according to Google.

Add internal links to other related content on your website

Content SEO also includes internal linking. You can include links in your web page so that search engines can get more information. Internal links help Google understand what they are referring to better. Use meaningful anchor text to allow crawlers to understand exactly how the link was accessed.

Make it easy to read

Keep your material simple and readable. Use the formatting styles in pages rather than putting text on them; it can also be helpful to people who are prone to skim reading.

Add external links to other high-quality websites

If you are linking from your own site you should link to another good quality source. Using tags is also a good way of identifying data and words. A link to a good source identifies to Google what your content is about.

What is SEO guidelines for content writers?

The guideline that matters most to me when I am writing content are the following:

Keyword Related and Optimized
Long Meaningful Articles
Link internal and external
Write in paragraphs
Use keywords in body and in headers
Stay focused on your subject

Guidelines for SEO Content Strategy

What makes good content SEO?

When creating content search engines loves, keyword strategy is crucial to an effective content search engine strategy. The best keywords are often competitive keywords or long term niche keywords for your business and your products.

What is SEO checklist?

Checklists can offer a lot of value to your SEO and should be used if you are serious about content creation. It is about putting the best content into a specific page. It provides optimization for both visible content and source code. Finding which aspects is most important and then compile your own list.

What is SEO content writing examples?

How can I create good seo content?
Create attractive page title & description.
Use headings and sub headings.
Make use of the appropriate keyword density.
Answering Users’ Search Intent.
Use a simple web address and make sure your keyword is in the URL

How do I do content optimization in SEO?

How do a webmaster improve the page ranking?
Pick a topic or a keyword that compliments your seo.
Search keywords with semantic similarities to your search.
Managing Keyword Density.
Take care of the seo content intent.
Make use of visuals to keep visitors engaged
Link with other valuable websites and get them to link to you to improve seo
Cover seo content topics in depth.

How is content marketing used in SEO?

How to develop a good SEO Content Marketing plan?
By writing good quality seo content that targets specific keywords like “Long Tail Keywords” you will find that your site will rank easier for the specific keyword. When your site ranks better, it will send more traffic and your content will be showed to more visitors.

What are the 4 important components of SEO?

Among the most important elements of SEO:
On-Page SEO.
Off-Page SEO
Link Building
Content Creation

What is SEO content?

Content SEO is a technique of producing information which improves the ranking of your website. This covers all the writing and structuring of your site content. It is a complex process and by learning more about it, you can produce a page on a specific keyword that rank high and bring more visitors to your website. This will improve your Digital marketing and can even improve your social media engagement. Links are also important in seo and will improve your SEO content rankings.

How do you write SEO content?

Writing good SEO content is an art and must be mastered over time. There are a number of SEO Tools that can help you achieve this.

What SEO means?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice used to optimize a site’s technical configuration, content relevance and links popularity so its pages become easier to find, this increases search engine rankings and improves its quality.

SEO also helps in a business’s digital marketing campaign and even to promote social media engagement. Content SEO and links are the two main methods driving seo content to rank high in Google and other Search Engines. Building links to and links from other websites are also an important method of ranking your website and building a SEO campaign.

The anatomy of the perfect SEO report

Reports are something everyone must produce — whether based on internal SEO or agency work. A SEO report helps show how well campaigns are doing and helps justify the strategy we adopted and when we report on seo we build trust. However, SEOs tend to concentrate mainly their attention on SEO strategy, not producing seo reports about it. We are focusing on helping you learn to use SEO to analyze a company and to produce a good SEO Report.

seo report template

Create your SEO Report In 6 Steps

If you are planning on writing an SEO report then you should use a simple template which will be replicated each month for the first time. A template for SEO can be used to highlight all the key indicators for your SEO campaign, highlighting actionable steps for success. The Visme reports template can be modified by professionals and can include new sections or re-design the templates to their liking. Using a monthly SEO report template can be useful in the long run. As this is completely customizable template you can customize the slides based on client requests and requirements. You can also build your own monthly seo report template

Organic traffic

It’s likely your best section in your SEO report is about organic traffic. Indicate clearly where your website has the most or least organic traffic, to help customers understand how your optimization efforts affect their rankings. Let’s look at how to get organic traffic for your site in your seo reports. Ahrefs allows you to filter the traffic from different countries and shows you the source from which the traffic comes from. You are able to compare month-by-month, week-by-week and year-for-year performance across categories, groups and sites. This type of SEO reporting makes your seo work so much easier. If you use this to create your seo report templates your seo customers will be much happier.


Backlinks are essential for SEO reporting. Developing a strong backlink database is a key challenge a web developer faces. It provides a detailed overview to client of links acquired through your report. Shows the number of back links your site has gained in recent time and how you plan on increasing them. List some things to consider in your Back Link Analysis report. Think of it month to month and divide it up by goal achieving.

Title Card

It’ll take a few minutes for an SEO report to complete. Include your brand logo, the day/month of the report and your site URLs. It can be augmented by adding smooth complementary colours, icons, and shapes to Vismes vast collection. After that everything goes well again.

Table of Contents

Create a good Table of Contents in your seo report. This will help your customers better understand the report and your seo efforts. If you have good seo reporting tools, this should not be a big issue. Items included in your Table of Contents in the seo report should include:

Organic Traffic, Keyword Rankings, Link Building, Average Positions, Domain authority, backling profile, target keywords etc..

What is a SEO report?

Firstly, the report must have a clear descriptive tone. The report should provide useful information about the data in this area. It is therefore a good idea to use a seo report template. We all realize SEO is useless without a detailed report with a huge amount of keyword data. The most important aspect you should consider while creating an SEO report template is the standardization of the process. The results should also make generating a report a breeze for SEO professionals. This also ensures you are using the proper reporting format. You can easily write an SEO report for your clients in seconds.


Each SEO report template is customized according to each customer’s needs. For example, if your clients are wanting to increase conversion rates you must consider measurable indicators such as clickthrough rates, keywords ranking or bounce rate. Avoid using a vanity score that isn’t useful to clients. KPI’s in your seo report template should show how effective you are hitting your clients objectives. With measurement of these KPIs in the seo report, you can see how well a given strategy works and why you should invest. Much of this information can be extracted from your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts and easily integrated in your seo report template.

Digital marketing has become competitive and the better you can optimize your report templates, the more you will succeed in your digital marketing efforts. Your seo report is a key factor in the reporting process.


Sometimes the customer can find the the technical details in the report quite scary. It’s essential to have a clean overview of key information on your site and to use data in such a way that you can offer the best seo service. Use terms like “The following is an overview of the results of your SEO strategy”.

Think of this as an index of information. It helps the customers to understand what the SEO report contains and what they can expect. Add graphics or diagrams for a visual view of data that is easy to understand. Remember that clients may have little or no time for the analysis of all of these factors, so it’s important to keep the seo report overview short. Digital Marketing and especially seo metrics can be daunting to customers.

If you use data from google like Google Analytics and Google Search Console in your marketing reports in a simple form, your client will better understand you as the seo consultant. Mostly clients just want to know that you are making progress and their pages are ranking on their website.


Incorporate actionable steps as well as an explanation of what to expect. Make sure the campaign you plan to launch has the most effect and what campaign you plan to put in place. If a site is rapidly losing backlinks, you should look at link building opportunities. Find broken links on the website and fix those pages. The Opportunity page in an SEO report helps your customer learn how to improve revenue. Plus if you have good SEO strategies and dependable figures to support your recommendations on progress of the website pages organic search traffic conversions, your client will be happy.

Templates for reports

You can create stunning reports online quickly with the Business Direct Media SEO Tool preset template. Find an inexpensive report template to personalize and you can create your own report with data which you have gathered from Google Search Console and Google Analytics. While it is not necessary to create the perfect SEO report it is important to include a few essential elements, or key performance indicators for the success of the SEO report like:
Average Position or Keyword Rankings, Domain Authority, progress on link building, Traffic stats from Google Analytics and progress on page performance.

digital marketing, seo, google

Why should I write a regular SEO report?

SEO is an important aspect of almost every business. SEO Rankings attracts increasing investment and attention. Earlier in 2018, it was estimated that the SEO industry is worth around $80B. The stakes are high. Companies rely on this information to promote their products and services. Good organic conversions is a strategic part of the marketing strategy. It is therefore important to circulate regularly updated SEO report to display page ranking performance. The SEO report should be equally relevant to the SEO specialists themselves and the importance of these metrics should never be ignored. If you get your SEO report right, it is much easier for the marketing team to achieve their marketing objectives

Reporting on Technical SEO

Technical SEO covers topics such as improving web speed, resolving errors in 404s,internal linking, number of links and more. This aspect is related to making sure a website is properly indexed or crawlable by Google Analytics so that your organic search and conversion rates are tops. In terms of reporting, you must report on the technical performance of your webpage. You should highlight technical SEO errors and issues that must be addressed. There are SEO Tools that provides good starting points and will increase the conversion rate. Site Audit tools allow you to preview and export the theme report covering the following topics. You can get a free SEO Audit from the Business Direct Media Audit Tool.

Choose SEO Reporting Metrics and KPIs

It is important to report metrics that matter and these can differ across businesses. This is why your SEO Report Template should be well planned. The metrics you use should clearly show the use of the report in the process of assessing progress and actions. You can report measurable data which you get from Google Analytics. Reporting too often can make your client lose interest.

How does SEO reporting work? Reporting requirements for e-business SEO strategies is different from that of online shops and also different from other website. You should therefore use a good data reporting tool.

One specific key metric is the bounce rate of pages. Organic rankings has normally got smaller bounce rates if the keywords and page content aligns well. Your starting point is good keyword research and selecting good organic keywords, and reflect them in your ranking report templates.

Client Portal

Business Direct Media makes the reporting for SEO clients on their marketing progress more efficient and more effective. You may also build branded portals that provide customers with access to consolidated reporting 24/7 or you can use the Business Direct Media SEO Tool to give your clients access to the data. With this Portal, you only select the required report setting and submit portal credentials to clients.

It saves time when you prepare all the reports. Your clients have access to SEO information anytime that is needed and it can prove very useful when clients want daily monitoring and updating the rankings via the ranking report. Contact us to find out if your digital agency or marketing agency will work with it. It can create a great starting point to measure marketing progress.

Custom reports

You can create fully customizable SEO reports by using the “Business Direct Media” SEO tool. With this dashboard you can quickly retrieve data from Business Direct Media tools in just one click. This data can be added to Google Search Engines Analytics, Google Adwords, Google My Business, or Google Search Engines.

If you are a SEO Consultant you can align your report to your brand by using your logo, and eliminate the reference to Business Direct Media. The agency growth kit provides users with brand and white label reporting services and your own seo report template.

Report Automation

The report is automatically generated to provide a daily update to your management or client, if needed. It shows number of links, referring domains, landing page seo, keyword ranking, backlink profile, organic search results, winning pages, top pages and other page performance metrics. Reporting is delivered every day, weekly or monthly. You may even save a signature for future reports exporting.

Reports via Business Direct Media

Business Direct Media offers customized reporting solutions to simplify reporting, monitoring metrics and track performance. The Reports is helpful for integrating Google Suite data on pages with competitor data for the client.

Reporting on keywords and ranking

The SEO community is often confused about reporting on keywords in their report. Ranking has a long-standing metric, and it is sometimes difficult to change them into metrics of success. In fact, higher rankings mean more traffic and better conversion rates. If you rank for an incorrect term it will never result in conversion. Some users may be surprised by the increase in rankings and performance for certain terms or phrases. Offering the client this information on organic rankings via these seo tools can give the client a lot of reassurance.

Keyword Rankings

Position monitoring tools are useful in the analysis of keyword rankings. If this isn’t available for your domain, you can start the new position tracker by clicking on the link at the top of the page. You can also import keywords manually, or you can import search terms from campaigns like Google Search Console and Google Analytics. So you can see how these keywords ranks. The importance of being able to show how organic ranking increases with time. Tracking keyword position is a useful tool for determining a website’s progress and can not be over estimated. if the site has little organic traffic but rankings gain strength and gain traffic as it gets older.

Average Position and Organic Keyword Visibility

It can help you track trends. These indicators are very good indicators of progress. If a keyword is identified you show that organic keyword separately. However, when we report visibility growth and average ranking for each of these keywords we see the most visible results. The positioning monitoring report can be used to view the entire information.

Why should I create an SEO report?

The creation and maintenance of the report has threefold benefits. The most important objective when putting together an SEO report is knowing what people want to find in the search results of the internet. If you know the target audience and the intent, it helps you enhance website’s SEO. Second, by looking at all key metrics in SEO it helps your company establish trust and authority among all your users.

Bring your information to life

Get weekly advice to help you understand how Business Direct Media SEO Tools helps you create content and create organic rankings. You have many tools available for SEO reporting. SEO experts gathers data from multiple sources and from multiple tools.. According to experience, we find the BDM SEO tools to produce the most precise report possible on search engine marketing, backlink profile, and organic rankings

Automate your monthly SEO reports

Business Direct Media is a quality SEO report template too; that provides you with all of your customizations and the convenience of a template for monthly SEO reports. Digital Marketing efforts is made easier if you automate your SEO Reports by creating a good seo report template

Reporting on Link Building

Links remain a key SEO factor, and almost every SEO report will have links listed in them. Measuring the referring domains in your seo report template is essential.

The links you have built

Transparency is always important. When you build link correctly it should never be hidden. The biggest skepticism among customers when hiring a search engine marketing firm is the concern with link building quality. Use this report to show the value of what is in your report. We often find that importing a list of all your linked pages with Authority Scores is incredibly successful. You must also list your links that has been built or averaged since you started working on the website.

New and Lost Links

You can check all your links in the report, but you should mention these data metrics in its own right. It is really important to have an increased number of link profiles in the future – though this tactic simply because the effect of a link being dropped. Ensure transparency and highlight any places where you have lost links and analyze these more thoroughly to give you an opportunity for you.

Link Profile Growth Over Time

Again, these items are included in the Backlink analysis but are important to reference as this greatly influence organic rankings and site conversion rate. You may notice links between competitors, but that’s normal because this should be part of your business to get good keyword ranking. It’s easy enough to see how many domains are being referred in your link building efforts. Keep your reports clear.

Link Profile Breakdown

Visit Backlink Analytics and see your website URLs for a snapshot. The most useful tools for assessing health of profile users are these overviews. This is simple and detailed enough to include

Three essential parts of a compelling SEO report

We’ll go over what is important to your client in a SEO report.

Results: highlight what you’ve accomplished

Using key results to share the SEO report will help improve SEO reporting for you. This presentation shows your amazing work and helps clients to understand why they hired you for this job to improve keyword ranking. Reminding the customer of your objectives helps frame the story. So you can concentrate on your goals. How do I increase my client’s traffic to the site by boosting organic search results? How does this boost increase organic search traffic to the site?

Tell me the next step for your client?

Once the project is complete, you can show how you can increase client confidence to trust your expertise. Which strategy will bring more results for your business? How should I achieve a particular goal? Is search algorithms changing to improve rankings? Setting a precise time frame helps your clients trust your work management abilities as they understand SEO priorities.

Tell me the most important lesson you learned?

Search engine optimization involves testing a digital marketing method to ensure organic traffic rankings on your landing pages. Take the time to note how well your SEO efforts have helped you improve your search results by tracking the data. You will demonstrate flexibility, top-class analytics and SEO skills and will impress them with transparency and efficiency, creating better conversion rates. Win for all with a great conversion rate through digital marketing best practices. Having a seo report template is thus essential.

If you are using landing pages, you can use the tool’s health audit landing pages seo to match keywords to pages


Building a healthy seo strategy is important for any business. Using the right tools goes a long way. Taking into consideration that many tools are influenced by Artificial Intelligence nowadays, it is important to do some research on them.

why you need seo for your business

Why you need SEO for your business

Have you ever thought about why you need SEO for your business? Search Engine Optimization is a process, or combination of various processes, whereby web developers, and web site administrators, or SEO specialists, use keywords and various other methods to allow Search Engines, such as Google, to have their search results of those searches listed higher on their results pages.


You need SEO for your business because it helps you find more customers online by increasing the ranking of your webpages on Search Engines.

When your website is optimized it allows those web pages to be seen more frequently, or at the top of search results pages by people searching for certain topics, content, or Businesses online.

The Benefits of why you need SEO for your business

Every Business Owner, especially small business owners should carefully consider the following benefits when analyzing your Business Marketing Strategy. When doing Search Engine Optimization on your site, do you not only create better content and value to your customers, but you also have the following benefits of why you need SEO for your business:

There are Cost Benefits for your Business

A Business can save large sums of money when using a well-implemented SEO plan as opposed to higher costing advertising and Marketing strategies. This is a long term strategy and need to be planned well.

If your Business is able to hire staff that can implement and support an ongoing SEO plan, you can reach many potential customers at a fraction of the cost of running expensive Ad campaigns. If your Business is not able to hire, you can use the services of a reputable SEO Company. They will ensure for a competitive cost that you have a good SEO plan implemented, and give you ongoing update and support on that SEO plan for as long as you are paying for and using their service. Although they cost more than doing it yourself, you not only save on the time that is used for the implementation of the Strategy, but you also cash in on their expertise. Remember that the reason why you need SEO for your business is to grow your business, and these costs are a good investment.

Achieve higher Rankings on the Search Engines

It is said that more than 90 % of all Internet business comes from the first page of Google. A good reson why you need SEO for your business is that you will rank on those pages. Most often small business only rank on page 3 or 4 for most of their keywords. It is also important to remember that you not only need to rank for a few keywords, but you need to rank for many keywords if you want it to have an impact on your business.

Higher rankings in the Search Engines can boost your business more than you think. High volumes of website traffic to your website can improve your business turnover significantly.

Search Engines has better conversion rates.

The first thing in a good Business Marketing Strategy is to have a Lead Acquisition Process. This process is a strategy to help you acquire good quality leads. I remember 20 years ago, how we heavily used to advertise in news papers and pamphlets. If you compare it to today’s technology it is almost laughable, but it worked. Now it works better.

Now you have various technological solutions for advertising and some gives better results than other. Advertising by targeting specific keywords which helps you identify the intent of the user, is by far the best. You can achieve this by doing SEO on specific keywords in your business. This is why you need SEO for your business. It helps you with conversion rates in your lead acquisition process.

It gives you the edge over your competitors.

Competition on the Internet and in Marketing in general are getting more and more difficult and competitive on a daily basis. There are more and more people competing for the same market and the same customers. What will give you the edge in this market.

When doing Search Engine Optimization for your business, you are improving your changes of getting the bulk of that business. Many small businesses are completely clueless when it comes to optimizing their websites. I see that everyday when I consult with small businesses. If you would like to know where your business is in this regard, you can request a free SEO Audit which will help you understand the process a little better. This is also why you need SEO for your business.

SEO improves Customer Trust and Awareness

If there is one thing on the Internet that you really need it is to have trust from your online community and prospective customers. Building Trust and Awareness online is one of the reasons why you need SEO for your business. If you have a good SEO Strategy for your business, you will automatically improve the Trust and Awareness of your business.

SEO build Trust and Awareness

Trust and Awareness in your business is not only important to your business, but it it also important to Google and other Search Engines. We are moving in a direction where valuable content are more and more important to search engines, and with Artificial Intelligence they can detect whether you are offering trustworthy content to your online visitors. This is why you need SEO for your Business and need it to be done in the correct way.


Why local SEO is important for small Business

Most small businesses operates in their local communities and needs the support of the community to flourish. Local SEO is a great way for these businesses to get more traffic and therefore also more business. This is why local SEO is Important for small business.

What is local SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a process whereby web developers, and web site administrators use keywords and various other methods to allow Search Engines, such as Google, to have results of those searches listed higher on their results pages. Local SEO is getting those rankings for small businesses in their local communities, and this is another reason why local SEO is important to small business.

Why Local SEO is Important for small business

This then allows those web sites to be seen more frequently by people searching for certain topics, content, or small Businesses online within their local towns.

A few reasons why local SEO is important for small Business.

Local SEO is Cost Effective

Local SEO is important for small Business is because a small Business can save large sums of money when using a well-implemented SEO plan as opposed to higher costing advertising and Marketing strategies.

If your small Business is able to hire staff that can implement and support an ongoing SEO strategy, you can reach many potential customers at a fraction of the cost of running expensive Ad campaigns. If your small Business is not able to hire, you can use the services of a reputable SEO Company. They will ensure for a competitive price that you can have a good SEO plan implemented, and give you ongoing update and support on that SEO plan for as long as you are paying for and using their service.

Why local SEO is important for small Business is also because these costs are often lower than running expensive commercial ads on broadcast and print media, and also considering the fact that most people today are on their smart phones or tablets on the internet and if at all have the radio on in the background for music, and will read a newspaper online rather than buy a hard print copy.

Achieves higher local rankings

Over 80% of people are searching for local products and services on a daily basis. Having a SEO strategy setup for your small Business especially using local keywords and search terms, can highly increase traffic to your web site. This is also why local seo is important for small businesses.

It has the highest local advertising conversion rate

Small Businesses which have optimized websites actually reaches more neighboring potential clients than many other forms of advertising, due to online access and the fact that local searching having become so popular.

Everybody has a smart phone, tablet, or laptop with access to the internet. More and more people are spending more time online, reading less hard copy newspapers. To catch their attention, your business have to rank well on various keywords in your industry.

It increases your visibility especially to local visitors

Why local SEO is important for small Business is because if you have a good SEO strategy which targets specifically local content, local social groups, and enables locals to write reviews and recommendations, your small Business will be seen by more of your local potential clients. Never underestimate the power that the local social community has on your business. Their views count immensely.

It increases your organic content

Why local SEO is important for small Business is because it encourages a small Business to keep their web site content, such as text, media, blogs, reviews, and general web site usability up-to-date.

This will increase their user experience, and those users will most likely come back and more likely become a potential client.

It gives you the edge over your competition

Why local SEO is important for small Business is that the small Business space can be very competitive in a smaller local area. If your small Business has a good SEO strategy that has good local methods used, and has updated web site content and encourages user interaction, you will most likely have the more attractive user experience over your competitors in the area.

Your web site and what it offers is your potential customer’s first contact with your small Business, and if your SEO plan includes ongoing maintenance you will keep gaining that upper edge over your competition

It improves Customer trust and Awareness

Why local SEO is important for small business is really all about creating customer awareness and trust. All the listed benefits of higher Search Engine Rankings, better web site content, reaching more people, been seen above the competition, etc. makes existing and potential future customers feel more at ease dealing with your local small Business.

People who are online will see your small Business more often, will associate it with your product, service or brand, will mention it to friends and colleagues, and this is why local SEO is important for small Business, as your whole local community will get to know you as their local household brand or service, or in other words, the local go-to small Business. This is also why it’s so important to keep your SEO marketing plan an ongoing process of research and update, and keeping your web site ranking and content at the top of your game at all times.

When is the best time to consider SEO for your small Business

There is no better time than now to start looking into a SEO strategy for your small Business. Over 80% of people search online for local services and products, and this is growing day by day as more and more people are gaining access to the internet. This exactly is the best reason why local SEO is important for small Business as the longer you wait to get a good SEO marketing strategy in place, the longer you will miss out on all the benefits of this cost effective far reaching marketing option for your small Business.

Does SEO for small Business have any legal implications

Why local SEO is important for small Business is attractive as there are not many known legal implications having a good SEO plan in place, as even many attorneys and law companies use SEO strategies to search data to assist them with cases.

As the internet and dealing with people and customers in a public space, there are obvious general legal rules any person or small business would have to adhere to, such as showing no disrespect to individual’s political or religious views, discrimination towards race, culture and disabilities, and of course personal privacy. These rules are not directly involved with SEO strategies, but is important to keep in mind when optimizing and updating your small Business’s web site content. It’s always a good idea to consult a legal expert on any sensitive matter that might arise in your web site content or customer interaction.

Disadvantages of SEO for small Business

Why local SEO is important for small Business is that although there are many advantages for a small Business, there are also a few disadvantages of using SEO, but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages:

It may take a lot of time

Setting up and implementing and maintaining a good SEO plan, especially if done yourself or by one of your small business employees, is that it is quite time consuming, as ongoing research and updating is required to keep your small business and it’s ranking and visibility and credibility at the top. This does pay off in the longer term and is why local SEO is important for small Business. Also you can pay a SEO company who will implement and maintain a good SEO strategy for as long as your payment contract with them is valid, but this will cost you more than doing it yourself.

The internet is your competition

Why local SEO is important for small Business is so beneficial, that many small Businesses in your local area are going to be doing the same, and you will need to have a very good ongoing regular SEO maintenance strategy to keep you an edge above the rest, failing in regular SEO maintenance will allow the competition to climb the Search Engine Ranks above you.

It may seem non-profitable in the beginning

Initially setting up a good SEO marketing plan takes a lot of effort and time, and may not yield immediate results, but that’s why local SEO is important for small Business as a good SEO marketing plan improves visibility, enforces updated web site content, and better user experience, and over time as people become more familiar with your web site, it’s content, interface, and interaction, so will the value of time and/or money invested into your SEO marketing plan be realized as more and more people become potential and then full customers.


Now you can see Why local SEO is Important for small Business as there are many benefits taking into consideration that so many more people are accessing the internet, and browsing and searching for local services and products in their area. Also the convenience of having access to online services encourages them to make use of a small business who embraces the internet and using the SEO technology available to create an update, clean, user-friendly interactive customer environment for your customers.

All you have to do is weigh up the pros and cons of doing it yourself, or paying a SEO Company – your time and expertise at lowest cost, verses paying a professional company to do it at higher cost, both methods will benefit you in the long run.

Why is seo important

Why is SEO Important

Over the past couple of years websites have become more popular and easier to build. This led to the creation of billions of websites. And although they are easy to build, your website are absolutely worth nothing if you don’t have traffic to your website. It is therefore more important that you would ask yourself why is SEO Important?

why is seo important

Many people don’t understand this and they think if they do have a website they will get business from it. Just having a website with no traffic means you have no visibility on the internet. It is like creating a beautiful sign board and place it in your basement.

So what is the solution and how can you change this so that people will see your website?

There are many ways to create traffic and it includes paid and free options. The problem is that free options are not always free because it takes up your time and your time is money. If you spend too much time on it they will definitely cost you more than the paid options.

On the first page of Google there are paid options or Google ads and then there are free listings which are organic listings. The Organic listings are the indexed pages of your website. When Google indexes your page, they look at different factors and these factors can be improved if you do search engine optimization.

So in short, search engine optimization is used for the improvement of your website pages to ensure that they feature on Google and other Search Engines.

The position that your website will feature is also influenced by many factors and the only way to push this up to the top is by doing good SEO.

What is SEO and why is it important?

Search engine optimization is the improvement of your website rank-ability in Google.

If you do not have good search engine optimization your pages will not feature and you won’t get traffic.

It is therefore of the utmost importance for any small business to ensure that their search engine optimization is properly done if they want to feature in the business world.

This is what is great about the technology nowadays. Even if you are a small business and you can get a lot of exposure in the online world.

What is the benefit of SEO?

If you ask yourself, Why is SEO Important, then you should have a look at the benefits of SEO. There are many benefits to SEO but the one that stands out is that you will get more traffic more business and more profits and in the end that is what counts for small businesses.

You just have to ask yourself am I willing to invest in search engine optimization?

If you are willing to invest in search engine optimization and therefore investing in your own business it will bring benefits that will stay with your business for many years.

Good search engine optimization is like having a permanent 24/7 marketing agent that never sleeps never go on leave, never become sick but constantly announce your products and your services to the world.

Why is SEO important (in simple words)

In Simple Words SEO is making your website better so that more people can see it more people can visit it and you can make more profits.

If you have been in business for any time you will know that good advertising and good marketing is what brings in your customers and that brings in the profits.

Why is SEO important in 2022

There’s never been a more important time to do search engine optimisation in your business. Because technology has made it so simple and easy there are billions of people who are online and you have to beat them.

With proper research and tools it is very easy to do and anybody can do it. If you however have an agency like Business Direct Media that does it for you you can cash in on their experience and knowledge and take your site even further

2022 is most certainly one of the most exciting times in the technology field and also in search engine optimization and a good time to ask yourself why is seo important.

14 Reasons – Why is SEO Important

Here are my personal 14 best reasons why you should invest in search engine optimization and get your site to rank.

1 – Why is SEO Important? – It makes your website more visible

SEO definitely makes your site more visible. One of the major mistakes that small businesses makes is that they think if they rank on one page which is usually their business name that they are ranking well on Google as a whole.

There are thousands of keywords that you can use to rank on for your specific business. Keyword research or search term research is one of the most important aspects if you do search engine optimization.

If you have thousands of pages that ranks on Google you are not only visible in one place but you are actually visible almost everywhere where your customers are looking for answers to the products and services that you have.

2 – Why is SEO Important? – It gives you more Traffic

In the technological world of today it is very important that you have lots of traffic to your website if you want to stand out from the crowd. There are various ways to get traffic but the one most certain way to ensure that you get lots of traffic and you get it on a long-term basis is to do proper SEO for your website.

If you do search engine optimization well then your keywords will stick around on the first pages of Google for a very long time and competition can’t just take it out. This will produce lots of traffic for your website which will ultimately benefit you and your business.

3 – Why is SEO Important? – It makes you competitive

Once you have done search engine optimization properly on your website you will be much more competitive in your own business world in your own niche and in your own industry. It is one of the certain ways to make you stand out from the crowd and stand out above your competition.

When you have thousands of pages ranking all over Google then it is not easy for your competition to catch up. It takes a long time to do proper search engine optimization but once you have done it it is a competitive advantage.

4 – Why is SEO Important? – It gives you credibility

When people see you ranking at the top of Google’s pages all the time it definitely gives you credibility. Whether it is your customers, or your prospective customers, they will see you as the leader in your field.

In some respect that is what search engine optimisation is all about. You want to display to Google and the world that you are the expert the authority and that you are trustworthy. These three components are essential if you want to make it in the online business.

Credibility online is more important that you might think. In the past people would just do business with you without checking you out but nowadays because of everything that is going on online and because it is so easy people will first go and check out your profiles and your services online before they do business with you. The easiest way to show credibility is to show it online through the correct use of search engine optimization

5 – Why is SEO Important? – It builds your Brand

Search engine optimization definitely build your business brand. If people see you all over the place they recognize your brand it shows that your business is serious and it gives them confidence in your business.

Building your brand has never been easier and with that said I still see many many small businesses that never grow past that because they do not invest in search engine optimization.

Large companies spend millions of Dollars every year to promote their business brands and to grow their business plans. If it is so important to them don’t you think it matters to your small business? Indeed it does.

6 – Why is SEO Important? – It creates more Profits

Great SEO definitely leads to more profits in your business. There is a huge return on investment for search engine optimization if it is done properly, if it is managed well and if it is monitored.

Because of technology it is quite easy to monitor your results with search engine optimization. Google’s platforms like Analytics and Google search console gives you a wide variety of data about your website about people visiting it where they come from and what they searched for.

These are free tools from Google and should be used by every business owner. If you do not make use of these tools with your website then you should definitely think about it.

7 – Why is SEO Important? – It creates Organic Search which is the Primary Search Method

When you search on Google you will find that at the top there will be free Google ads at the bottom there might be three Google ads and in-between is 10 organic search results. Many people use the Organic search results as their only option because they know that the results are that are in there are properly ranked by Google.

The Organic search results gives more credibility to your business and then the ads itself.

The only way to get your website to rank organically is to have a good search engine optimization strategy. It should be part of every small business marketing strategy. I sometimes come across small business owners who thinks that it is not important at all. The problem is that the competition are walking away with all their business.

8 – Why is SEO Important? – You better Understand the voice of the Consumer

Nowadays more than ever the voice of the consumer is very important. Consumers have more choices and it is easier for them to go to your competition.

When they search on Google they actually tell you what they are looking for. If you listen to this voice of the consumer and to optimize your site for that specific questions that they have you will definitely get their business. SEO is therefore not only a way to rank your website but it is also way to interact and to listen to your consumers.

It is a very easy way to give them answers to the most relevant questions that you have in your business or in your industry. When you answer the questions they will see you as the expert they will see you as the authority and they will trust you.

9 – Why is SEO Important? – It creates Better User Experience

An optimized site is also very good for user experience. User experience has become critical in technology nowadays. There are so many businesses online that if they do not have a good experience with your business they simply go elsewhere.

One of the ways that you can provide a better user experience is to do good SEO which will help your customers find more answers to more questions.

If they type a certain question into Google and your company is the one that answers it it will build trust with them but it will also ensure that they have a good experience.

10 – Why is SEO Important? – It Increases Engagement

The more content you have ranking on Google the more you your customers will engage with you. Every time they have a question, and you have the answer, it is another engagement that comes to your business instead of your competition.

There are ways to figure out what these questions are and then you have to offer solutions to those questions in the form of articles answers and opinions. If your website rank for these on the first page of Google it gives an impressive display of your business.

If consumers find you easily on Google and you answer the questions then they will engage with you more often.

11 – Why is SEO Important? – SEO is a long Term Solution

It is important to know that SEO is not a short-term solution, it is a long-term solution that will serve your company for many years to come.

It however also takes a long time to build it up. It is therefore important to make sure that you build it up the right way. SEO agency like Business Direct Media can give you very specific advice on how to do this. Make sure your strategy is well planned out and executed in a consistent manner.

12 – Why is SEO Important? – Search Engine Optimization can be measured

Anytime that you advertise on the internet whether it is through Google or somebody else you want to make sure that you can measure the results. Why is SEO Important enough to measure your results? If you cannot measure the results then you are wasting your money.

With the help of the Google tools it is easy to manage and measure your search engine optimisation. The business Direct Media SEO tool also has reports and various ways of measuring the results.

Once you have this data you can calculate the return on your ad spend and be sure that you have a good investment.

13 – Why is SEO Important? – The first page wins the click

It is said that more than 90% of all business comes from the first page of Google. If you are not part of that it means that you are sharing the rest of the 10% with all other businesses. For the thousands of web pages that is available for every search query on Google there are only 10 websites that is on the first page and you should ask yourself the question “am I one of them?”.

If you do proper search engine optimization you will definitely be on the first page of Google and you will win that first click. The first click is the most important one because it builds trust and put your business in a good light.

14 – Why is SEO Important? – SEO will always be with us

SEO is not going away anytime soon. Even with the implementation of artificial intelligence there will also be room for search engine optimization as this is the way that Google determines which sites goes on top.

Software are becoming more and more complicated and it includes the use of artificial intelligence in making search engine optimization decisions.

If you do not have access to good search SEO software then you are losing the race. This is why we at Business Direct Media offers you the opportunity to use our software even if you are a small business.

If you have questions about this please contact us and we will gladly help you.

SEO Solutions

How can I increase SEO Traffic?

So now you have decided that you must do SEO and answered the question “why is seo important“, where do you start?

The first thing that you need to do is to do a free search engine optimisation audit. This will tell you where exactly your website has issues and what needs to be fixed first.

You then need to do a keyword research which will tell you exactly which keywords to use and to optimize.

Once you have the key words you have to create a landing page for for each other key words which are optimized. You can also measure this after migration with a business Direct Media SEO tools.

What is a good SEO Strategy

A good SEO strategy is always consistency. If you are consistent with your SEO strategy and you work on your website on a weekly basis to make it better with SEO then you will win.

There is no easy or fast way out for search engine optimization. You should however be aware because there are many people online that will tell you that they are fast and easy ways to do this and and they will not only take your money but they will also damage your website.

It is therefore essential that you work with a good SEO company that you can trust.

How effective is SEO

SEO is very effective if it is done in the proper way. It is through good SEO that many bloggers have built websites that are worth thousands of Dollars. If you ask yourself, why is SEO important, it is also because it is effective, very effective.

In fact it is impossible to go anywhere with your website if you do not do proper SEO.

How do I create SEO for my website

First of all you will have to either learn how to do search engine optimization or you will have to get a SEO agency like Business Direct Media that can do it for you.

What is the first step in SEO

Depending on how much you know about SEO it is most probably the best idea to, as your first step, talk to a SEO agency or a SEO professional that can guide you through the process. We have many articles on this website that will can show you how to do it, what to do, and where to go.

Can I do SEO on my own

Yes for sure you can do your own SEO. SEO is very time-consuming and if you want to spend your time doing SEO instead of working on your business, you can do it.

It takes a lot of time and it takes very sophisticated tools so if you do not have either of those then it is impossible to do it yourself.

How do I find Keywords for my SEO campaign

Finding keywords is usually done through a keyword research or search term research.

With a keyword research you would like to find the best search terms that associate with your business but you would also like to find the search terms that will be the easiest to rank. Although the keyword must be easy to rank it must still have a high percentage of people that visit it.

Finding the balance between the traffic that it gets and the least competitiveness can be a great challenge and requires good software

Who can I outsource my SEO to?

At Business Direct Media we have different options for search engine optimization which includes DIY packages with our software or we can do the search engine optimization for you. If you want to know Why is SEO Important, contact us and talk to one of our staff members

For more information contact Christo at +27 (0)81 2700 884 or email me at

companies who use seo

Companies Who Use SEO

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimisation.  Companies who use SEO are companies who have web sites and online content and use SEO to get their site ranked higher on internet search engines, such as Google, and this allows more potential customers to view their web site

Companies who use seo

When should a Company decide to use SEO

As over 80% of people looking for a service or product, searches online, and this is getting higher as more and more people and companies are going online, it is the best time for your company to plan for a SEO strategy as soon as possible.  Many companies are reaping the advantages over their competition who don’t have any SEO plan in place, as they are accessing way more of the internet traffic, and thus more potential clients.

The longer you wait to implement a good SEO plan, the longer you will miss out on those many potential customers that your competition is benefiting from.  Putting your SEO strategy into plan as soon as you can, will bring you the advantages of internet reach sooner, and you will soon be seeing the edge you will start gaining over your competitors.

Where do you start with SEO

You have to decide if you have your own resources able to setup, and maintain a good SEO plan for now and the future, or else budget to pay a SEO Company for those services on an ongoing basis.  Many companies have internal resources with good knowledge of SEO and the internet or they pay a reputable SEO Company to provide them with the best SEO service for their money.

Benefits of companies who use SEO

There are many benefits for any companies who use SEO as it does not only offer an effective solution to gaining more customers, but also involves on-going optimization to improve customer access and trust to their web site and thus content.

9 Benefits for Companies who use SEO

1 – It boosts a company’s trust

Companies who use SEo rank higher on online searches, and have updated content and thus is seen more by clients searching for their services online, and this creates better credibility and trust between the potential client and the company.

2 – It can be extremely budget friendly

Companies can save a lot of money on digital marketing costs, especially if they have staff that can do Search Engine Optimization themselves, as opposed to using the services of an external SEO Company.

3 – It supports better content marketing

Companies who use SEO are required to keep their content, such as web site text, photos, media, and documentation up-to-date, and this goes hand in hand with better search engine optimization as keywords used in the content can be part of the whole SEO Optimization process.

4 – It benefits PPC campaigns

Companies who use SEO can boost credibility by using Pay Per Click campaigns and SEO to get both search and PPC rankings at the top of search results pages.

5 – It gives you a competitive edge

Companies who use SEO can have the competitive edge, as their competitors will most likely use either a paid SEO strategy, or a very comprehensive SEO plan, so you should as well to remain competitive.

6 – It can help you reach more potential clients

Companies who use SEO can create a list of keywords relevant to their target customer base, then use research tools to research those keywords, and also check their competitor’s keywords and backlinks to establish better SEO optimisation and use of keywords to reach more clients that may possibly require your services or products.

7 – It helps you rank higher in local searches

As over 80% of potential clients search for local businesses online these days, Companies who use SEO can target local customers, by firstly creating something like a Google My Business Account, requesting reviews from existing clients, using local specific keywords, and making sure your local contact details are always up-to-date.

8 – It makes your web site more user friendly

Companies who use SEO not only keep their web site optimised for search engine ranking, but also regularly keep their site updated, by updating content, visibility, user interface, and just make the whole user experience to their web sites much more enjoyable.

9 – It improves client interaction rates

Companies who use SEO have more optimised web sites.  If you have quality updated content, and are always visible online in searches and social media and review sites, you will bring quality traffic.  SEO also ensures site content is matched to what people search and all this ensures a better browsing expeirence.

What are the costs for Companies who use SEO

Search Engine Optimisation can be very cost effective to any companies who use SEO, as if you have internal staff who have the skills to setup a good SEO strategy, one with ongoing optimisation, you will reap the financial benefits, not only immediately, but for as long as the SEO strategy is being maintained.

 Companies can also opt for using a SEO Company, who provide the service of Search Engine Optimisation with an ongoing support plan, and this although costing more than using your internal staff or own time, is way more cost effective, and also extremely beneficial compared to other forms of digital and media marketing.  Due to the fact that over 80% of people now-a-days search online for businesses and services, Companies who use SEO have the greatest benefit of getting more customers through SEO than other marketing methods.

What are the disadvantages of Companies who use SEO

Although there are more advantages, there are infact a few disadvantages for Companies who use SEO, but the advantages outweigh them:

. It takes time

If you do the SEO and its ongoing maintenance yourself, it will take a lot of time and ongoing time.  This can initially seem counter-productive, but over time this will pay itself off in bringing you more clients, if you put the correct effort and strategy into your SEO.

The internet is your competition

When you expose your company on the internet, and especially when you have a SEO plan setup, you are more visible to not only your clients, and potential clients, but also of course your opposition. They will pick up on your strategies, plans, content, and more, and will use that to improve their SEO and content.

. It can cause penalties if done wrong

You have to know what you’re doing when doing SEO optimisation, as being in the online public space has many social and legal consequences.

. It can be non-profitable in the beginning

Companies who use SEO often don’t see the benefit of SEO in the beginning, as it’s very time consuming to setup a good SEO plan, and the results often start only coming through later as potential clients gain trust what they see online.

. It is always ongoing

Search Engine Optimisation cannot be optimised occasionally, as the internet and it’s content is always changing, and so many other companies with similar content are appearing and changing, Companies who use SEO have to do regular optimisation and research work as part of there SEO plan to remain at the top of their game.

Are their any legal implications for Companies who use SEO

As many companies use the internet as one of their main resources for business, we find that even lawyer companies often use SEO to assist them research cases and access content from various online sources.  Companies who use SEO needs to understand that if they are online they are in the public space, and what they say or expose in the public domain needs to adhere to any conventional legal best practice rules, such as respecting people’s religious, political, ethnic and privicy rules.  SEO itself doesn’t have any legal implecations but relies on your web site content and those keywords and other tools used in SEO to list your site and it’s related content highest in Search Engine rankings.

In short, Companies who use SEo need to just be sensitive to what content they show on their web sites, and also keep updated legal documents and policies visible to potential clients especially if your company provides a service or products with warranties to your customers.  This is not limited only to Companies who use SEO, but any company providing a service or a product to customers online.


In todays digital world, Companies who use SEO have a definite advantage over those who rely on other forms of marketing or have no digital marketing plan in place at all.  

The benefits for Companies who use SEO way outweigh the disadvantages, and as even more and more people use the internet and online shopping as their vertual internet mall, the more beneficial it will become for all companies who want to optimise their marketing strategy, to access as many potential clients possible, to use SEO to reach their most potential.

Guidelines for SEO Content Strategy strategy

Small Business Marketing Strategy

Many people are looking for a small business marketing strategy that actually works. In today’s world with all the technology and all the information that is going around it is quite difficult to get business for your small business.

Technology and information overload has caused many people to simply clowns over marketing information. A few years ago it was quite easy to get your marketing message out there but nowadays it has become harder.

Don’t you think that with all the information technology and with the ease of posting something on social media it should be easier but it is not.

The billions of websites out there simply overwhelms people.

For your business to be effective you need to create a small business marketing strategy that is very directed to the exact person that you are looking for.

The small business marketing strategy can also include various ways of doing it like for instance direct marketing, social media, videos, search engine optimisation and many more.

Small Business Marketing Strategy

What is a Small Business Marketing Strategy

Small business marketing strategy is a roadmap to guide you along the way to get more customers for your business.

The cost of getting these customers are also important, and therefore you need to test out different types of marketing.

One of the biggest mistakes that small business owners make is to delegate the task of creating a marketing strategy. As a business owner you need to be hands-on with the creation of your business marketing strategy. There are certain tasks that you can delegate but not the strategy itself.

It is therefore very important to know how to implement technology in this road map.

Ways to promote a Small Business

There are many ways to promote a small business but in this article I want to look at the digital marketing and digital marketing options.

In any good marketing plan there are normally three things that you need to do
1 – Lead acquisition
2 – Closing the sale
3 – Customer Follow Up

Although they are technology solutions to all of these, the one aspect where technology can maybe play the biggest role is in lead acquisition.

Google has might lead to the acquisition very simple especially with the use of Google ads.

If you connect these ads with a good funneling system or a good landing page it is rather easy to get an abundance of leads.

What makes a good Marketing Strategy

A good small marketing business strategy is one where most of the tasks are automated. If you do it this way it is like setting up a 24-hour sales person that won’t stay away from the job, get sick will take the day off.

Creating funnels can help you to refine this prospects. It can also help directing them in a certain Direction where you can lead them through the process.

This means that a lot of your marketing efforts are done through the process and does not require human intervention.

This is partly possible because the prospect that you have was looking for the specific item or service that you are offering. This is the beauty of the search ads and keywords related terms.

This is also exactly why search engine optimisation should form a big part of your small business marketing plan.

If you can get your website to rank for the exact terms that people are searching to find your business online, you will have a 24-hour salesman that cost you nothing.

Automation is there for the best things that you can do for your small business marketing strategy.

How do you attract Customers to your Small Business

Attracting customers to the small business is now much easier than ever before. If you set your strategy up correctly you can draw customers to your business without much effort.

It all starts with a good advertising campaign or a good search engine optimisation strategy, so that you can find customers who are searching for the exact product or service that you are offering.

You then have to send these prospects to a landing page of an online page where you can capture the information or get them to be part of your system.

Finding a lead like this is very important in the entire strategy because if you have a prospect that are interested in what you have to offer you are almost halfway there.

Now you have a system that you can scale easily.

How do you develop a Marketing Strategy for a small Business

Developing the small business marketing strategy is very much trial and error for the first part of it. There are various things that can work but you have to try them out and you have to test them against each other to see which gives the best results.

It is also very important that in this process you keep track of all the numbers so that you can make comparisons between the different processes.

You therefore start out with a basic strategy, test different options, make changes and test again.

You will soon work out the strategy that works best for your business specifically.

Using SEO as part of a Small Business Marketing Strategy

Using search engine optimisation as part of your small business marketing strategies very important. If you do the SEO very well, your website will rank for specific search terms, which compliments your business.

It is nowadays possible to get so much information from Google and other sources into your SEO software. You can easily track competitors, spy on which keywords and links they are using, and find out what you need to do to beat them

Top 10 Web Design Tips for Small Business

The following top 10 web design tips for small business will help you to design a better strategy for your business website. There are many things that you can do to improve your website but the most important ones are the practical steps that will in the end give you more visitors, more customers and more profits

We live in a time where it is very easy to set up a website. There are people who will set it up for you for next to nothing.

Sadly in the long run this won’t help you much because most websites don’t get enough traffic to be of any significance.

Top 10 Web Design Tips for Small Business

Create a Strong Brand Message

When you design a website for your small business it is important that you think about how you can promote your brand.

To have a strong brand is important and building one is not easy. Your website is the first thing that people see when they visit you online and if it is not professional they might get the impression that you have a bad business. You should therefore take great care of how you design and develop your website.

Easy Navigation

Easy Navigation is one of the Top 10 Web Design Tips for Small Business that might seem irrelevant, but has a lot of value. When building a website it is important to make sure that people can easily navigate around your website. If they find it difficult they will simply leave.

Over the years I have found that a simple website is much better than a complicated one. Giving valuable information on your website about the topic that you are promoting is very important. This will attract and keep customers on your website. It is not necessarily the Bells and whistles and the nice images that keeps visitors on your website.

Simple but Professional Design

Oftentimes people built websites with too much graphics and JavaScript. This will make the website slower and people will leave before they have seen anything. There are lots of software that you can use to test your website speed
Although it is important to have a simple website it must still be professional.
Remember that the only thing that people see online about your business is your website. If your website is not professional they will think that your business is not professional either.

Make it easy to understand

It is important to make things on your website easy to understand. If people don’t understand the message that you are trying to convey they will rather leave instead of asking you.
With that said it is also important to give them as little options as possible.
It is important to only give them one or two options where they can go. You have to send them in the direction where you want them to go.

Create valuable content

With all the things that you can do to improve your website the most important is to create valuable unique content.
I see many websites which has no content of very little content.

When Google look at your site they determine whether it is valuable by looking at three things:

The only way for Google to determine this is by analysing your content
If you do not have proper content on your website then it is impossible for them to determine whether your website has any value for the visitors.

Ensure your Site is properly Optimised

One of the biggest problems with website is that when people design their website they just develop it and and never optimise it.

Your website have to be optimised so that your pages can rank on Google and not only rank but rank for the specific keywords that you need them to rank for.

Search engine optimisation is a complicated process and needs to be done by somebody who really understands it. You also need special software that is able to analyse your website from different viewpoints. The software needs to be connected to Google Analytics and Google search console as well as your Google business profile. If you use Google ads your software should be connected to the Google ads account as well.

Ensure your customers find what they are looking for

The longer customers can stay in your website the more valuable your website will be and the more traffic you will get from Google
Make sure that you have content on your website that your customers are looking for give answers to their problems and Solutions what they are searching for.

Appoint the best web designer that you can afford

Many times people try to do the cheapest options on website design but that is a big mistake.
Always make sure you buy the best Talent that you can afford.
In two years time you are going to forget what you paid them and you will still remember that you’ve got a valuable website with a professional design
Don’t be cheap on selecting your website designer

Implement a good SEO strategy

If you have a website but no traffic to visit you have nothing.
It is very important that you design your website in line with your search engine optimisation strategy.
A SEO strategy starts with identifying key words or search terms which has the least competition but the most traffic
A good SEO agency they should be able to do that for you.
They should also be able to analyze your competitive keywords and the links to your competitors websites.
You should also have a consistent SEO plan which means that you all your SEO agency must spend a specific amount of time every week working on your SEO.
One of the things that I have seen is that people work on their SEO and then get distracted and leave it for 5 or 6 months.
A good SEO strategy will include the creation of content and the building of backlinks as well as the technical on site optimization which checks for errors on your website.

Host your website on a reliable server

When choosing a website server do not go for the cheapest option.
Most of the time it is better to get a hosting server service from a small company which you can have access to personally. I am proud to say that any of my customers can pick up the phone and call me personally to attend to their website.
You should also ensure that the resources on the server is enough.

Why this Top 10 Web Design Tips for Small Business will benefit you.

if you apply this Top 10 Web Design Tips for Small Business you will have a head start over your competition.

seo in marketing

SEO in Marketing

SEO, Search Engine Optimisation, is used in marketing of company web pages to help get traffic from free organic, natural, or editorial search results in internet search engines, such as Google.

Seo in Marketing attempts to get your web site or page higher ranked in search results listings to improve your Marketing efforts.


What are the benefits of using SEO in Marketing?

When using Seo as part of your company’s marketing plan to get more customers to visit your web page, you can expect the following benefits:

  • It boosts your company’s credibility. A site that is high on search results rankings is seen as more trust worthy and high quality by Clients.
  • It doesn’t have to cost much, or can be very low budget if using a SEO Company. If you have the time to do Search Engine Optimization yourself as part of your Marketing plan, it could cost you nothing, but then your time is money and hiring a SEO Company is also very cost effective.
  • Using Seo supports your content in general marketing. Your web site content such as photos, videos, informational text, etc. go hand in hand with SEO Marketing, thus benefitting your content access to clients.
  • It gives you a competitive advantage. Your competitors will definitely also be using Seo Marketing strategies, so using it as part of your marketing plan will give you a competitive edge.
  • It can help you reach more potential clients. You can target your specific clients by using Seo in your Marketing plan, by using those keywords that would attract those clients who are looking for your products or services specifically.
  • It helps you rank better in Local searches. 93 to 97 % of people search online these days for their local plumbers, doctors, restaurants, etc. Using a Seo Marketing plan will list your business higher for local searches.
  • Using Seo in Marketing also helps your web site be more usable. If you are going to put the time in to setup a Marketing plan you will make your web site more user-friendly, with higher quality content and make the whole package look appealing to any potential visiting client to your web site.
  • You get justifiable results. With SEO you can for example together with Google Analytics, track a user’s buying history, their web sites and products they buy, pages they visited, and keywords they used to search, and so you with your SEO Marketing strategy you can adjust your keywords and conditions to improve your results over time.
  • Using Seo in Marketing can improve customer interaction rates. If you have a good SEO Marketing plan setup, your site will be optimized which will increase the customer’s browsing experience which will lead to more sales and brand loyalty to your business.

Why is SEO in Marketing important?

You’ve probably often heard that a good SEO Marketing strategy is a vital part of a Digital marketing plan for any business. Even if you have heard of Search Engine Optimization, you might not realize what a complex and multifaceted process it is.

A SEO process is made up of multiple elements and knowing what they are and how they work is vital to understanding why you should incorporate a SEO Marketing strategy into your company’s digital marketing plan. It makes your web site more visible which means more traffic and thus more sales and brand awareness.

The following methods are used in a successful SEO Marketing plan:

  • Keywords are the most common method used to link Search Engine searches to brands and products a potential customer is searching for, and also enables your brand to connect to them.
  • Content is also a vital part of a good SEO Marketing plan as it is the method you use to reach and engage your potential clients. For example if your products are car spares, you can write blogs on car care and repairs, reviews, etc. Your content must be educational, interesting relevant and sharable. You must include Web page content, Videos, Blogs, infographics, podcasts, how-to guides or white papers or manuals, social media posts and local listings where at all possible.
  • Off-page SEO involves external optimization methods that happen off your site such as links from other sites to your web site, guest logging, highly sharable infographics, customer reviews on popular review sites.
  • Local SEO is also becoming very popular as part of a good plan as 60% of people doing online searches are using mobile devices, and more than half of those searches are for local content. You can use local keywords, create directory listings on Google My Business Directories and Google Maps, and creating location specific pages and business pages for your site also called doorway pages.
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is paid marketing strategies. This can include social media paid ads, Google AdWords, native ads, Pay-Per-Click, Shopping ads, and more. You can use this together with SEO in a Marketing plan to reach even more clients.

Should I use a SEO Company or do SEO myself?

In conclusion, you will need to weigh up the pros and cons of doing your own Search Engine Optimization or hiring a SEO Company. This will firstly depend on your marketing budget and what budget you have available.. SEO can take a considerable amount of time for research and implementation, and this is not once-off, it is an on-going process. If you consider doing the SEO your self you will need a good set of SEO Tools. We have amazing Tools available.

If you have budget to hire a good SEO Company as part of your SEO Marketing plan, they are experienced in the latest SEO trends and can often offer you a budget-friendly on-going service keeping your company high on rankings and customer engagement. Please do your Due Diligence before you make your final decisions.

For more Information how we can help you achieve your SEO Goals, contact Christo on +27 (0) 81 2700 884 or email